
I’m Madeline Elwood; writer, nerd, digital painter, and too ambitious for my own good. Right now I’m working on my debut novel–one in a planned series, and of course, this website.

Here you will find sass and self-deprecating humor, but you’ll also find updates such as news or significant writing/goal updates and inevitable cussing. I mean it. I’m too sassy to have a clean mouth. I may also post random essays (I don’t want to call them blog posts because I doubt they’ll be a scheduled occurrence) that may or may not be writing themed.

Right now my site is new, and I’m not far in my literary journey, so there isn’t a whole lot of content for now. I bet you could read every word on my page in an hour. If that. But bear with me! I’ve got some cool stuff planned and if you stick with me, I think you’ll enjoy it!

Thanks for visiting!